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ATL skills in IB programmes help students develop skills that have relevance across the curriculum. In other words, they help students “learn how to learn." ATL skills provide a solid foundation for learning independently and with others. Additionally, ATL skills help students prepare for, and demonstrate learning through, meaningful assessment.

ATL Skill Categories

MYP ATL Skill Clusters


I. Communication


II. Collaboration


III. Organization

IV. Affective

V. Reflection


VI. Information literacy

VII. Media Literacy


VIII. Critical Thinking

IX. Creative Thinking

X. Transfer

At the end of the quarter, the ATL skills categories of Communication Skills, Social Skills and Self-Management skills are assessed by teachers. These scores do not affect a student's overall grade in the course but rather provide parents a snapshot of how the student is doing in their development of ATL skills.

ATL Quarter Grading

Teachers across grade level, subject group, and 6-12 seek to cover a variety of ATL skills in their curriculum as well as prepare students for the next grade level.

ATL Planning Chart