If your student will be ABSENT or TARDY, please contact the MEHMS Attendance Office by phone or email.

Phone: (703) 720-5702| Email:  Administrative Assistant for Attendance | Pre-Arranged Absence Request Form | School Board Policy

Regular attendance plays an important role in your child's educational journey. Consistent attendance is not just about being present; it's a cornerstone of academic growth, socio-emotional development, and overall educational success. At FCCPS, we value our partnership with you in supporting our students. To strengthen this collaboration, we want to ensure you have access to our current attendance policies and practices, as well as introduce you to our dedicated attendance team. Please review the division-wide policies and school-specific practices outlined below. Together, we can create an environment where every student thrives through regular attendance.

  • At Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School, the school day runs from 8:30 3:10 p.m. Students are expected to be in their classrooms by 8:30 a.m. when classes begin.

  • For arrivals or departures during school hours: Students must sign in at the front office. A parent or guardian must physically sign their student out if the student is leaving during the school day.

  • To ensure that tardy arrivals or absences are considered excused, parents/guardians should communicate directly with the school regarding their student's attendance. For a comprehensive list of valid excuses, please refer to FCCPS Policy JED.

  • Parents/legal guardians are the only ones authorized to report attendance issues. If your student will be absent, tardy, or needs to leave school before the school day ends, send an email to or leave a voicemail message on the Attendance 24/7 line, 703-720-5702

Please include:

  • Student legal name 

  • Grade level

  • Date and time of absence, late arrival or early dismissal

  • Parent/guardian name and phone number

  • Reason for absence. Please be specific about the reason why your child will not be attending school that day. If sick, please indicate what symptoms your child has and if they have seen a medical professional

Our attendance office is here to assist you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out

Liz Rosales

Liz Rosales, Administrative Assistant for Attendance

Ms. Liz Rosales brings a student centered and enthusiastic focus to the MEHMS community. Ms. Rosales is your contact for all things attendance at Mary Ellen Henderson to include accurately tracking student attendance, managing attendance records, and communicating with parents/guardians regarding absences and tardies. If you’re in the front office or giving us a call, please give Ms. Rosales a warm welcome!

Ms. Liz Rosales 703-720-5702

Common Attendance Scenarios

Attendance Update

How to Proceed

Information that needs to be communicated

Important to Know

My child will be late for school.

Call / email the school BEFORE start of school (or as early as possible).

Please provide your student’s FULL name (as listed in PowerSchool) and a VALID excuse for the tardy.

Without prior notice, students will be marked “Tardy Unexcused” (TUN). Multiple infractions can result in school discipline

My child won’t be attending school.

Call / email the school BEFORE start of school (or as early as possible).

Please provide your student’s FULL name (as listed in PowerSchool) and a VALID excuse for the absence.

The school will ask for a doctor’s note on the 3rd consecutive day.

Without prior notice, students will be marked “Absent: Unexcused” (UNX). Multiple infractions will result in school discipline.

My child needs to leave school early.

Call / email the school BEFORE start of school (or as early as possible).

Please provide your student’s FULL name (as listed in PowerSchool) and a VALID excuse for the absence.

Please indicate the TIME your student needs to leave.

Common Attendance Questions

What if my student oversleeps?
Under FCCPS policy, oversleeping does not qualify as an excused absence. Students will be marked “Tardy Unexcused” (TUN) or “Absent Unexcused” (UNX). Please review the list of valid excuses for student absences can be found in

Excused Absence or Tardy Arrival

Absences and tardy arrivals for the following reasons will be excused:

  • Death in the family

  • Illness or Injury (including mental health and substance abuse illness) verified by a doctor therapist, clinician, psychiatrist, counselor, psychologist, social worker, or parent/guardian

  • Legal obligations

  • Medical procedures

  • Suspensions

  • Expulsions

  • Religious observances

  • Military obligation

  • Extreme family emergencies

  • Doctor/Dentist appointment

  • Approved prearranged absences consistent with the regulations issued by the Superintendent

Unexcused Absence or Tardy Arrival

All other absences for reasons not on the excused list are unexcused. The following reasons are examples for unexcused absences:

  • Unapproved trips

  • Childcare situations

  • Non-school related activities

  • Shopping

  • Oversleeping

  • Missing the bus

  • Working

  • Transportations problems

How to Pre-Arrange an Extended Absence

Pre-arranged absences are consistent with the regulation issued by the Superintendent.

  • Absences of ONE day or TWO consecutive days require at least 2 days advance notice to the attendance office. The note must state the reason(s) for absence.

  • Absences of THREE consecutive days or more requires administrative approval. A parent/guardian needs to submit a pre-arranged absence form to the attendance office as far in advance as possible, but NO LESS THAN THREE DAYS PRIOR TO THE ABSENCES.

Make-Up Work

Make-up work cannot substitute for missed classroom experience.

  • If a student is absent for one day, he/she should get their assignments from their teachers

  • If a student is absent for three or more days, assignments can be requested through the attendance office

  • If a student has been approved for a pre-arranged absence, the student is responsible to for getting his/her assignments from their teachers beforehand